Jean-Pierre Eckmann


  • Tumbling downhill along a given curve (with Yaroslav Sobolev and Tsvi Tlusty) Notices of the AMS 71,740-747 (2024)

  • An introduction to the unpublished book ``Reflections on a Tube'' by Mitchell J. Feigenbaum. Chaos, 33, 083136 (2023) (14pp)

  • Solid-body trajectoids shaped to roll along desired pathways (with Yaroslav I. Sobolev, Ruoyu Dong, Tsvi Tlusty, Steve Granick, Bartosz A. Grzybowski) Nature (2023) (20pp)

  • Abelian sandpiles on cylinders (with Tatiana Nagnibeda and Aymeric Perriard), J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 56 (2023) 175001 (11pp)

  • Revisiting the Monge problem in the Landauer limit (with Carlos Mejıa-Monasterio), AHP,

  • General theory of specific binding: insights from a genetic-mechano-chemical protein model (with John M. McBride, Tsvi Tlusty), Molecular Biology and Evolution 39, 11 (2022)

  • Imaging in Reflecting Spheres (with Gemunu H. Gunaratne, Jason Shulman, Lowell T. Wood). Chaos 32, 093136 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0110865

  • Instabilities Appearing in Cosmological Effective Field theories: When and How? (with F. Hassani and H. Zaag). Nonlinearity, 36 4844-4861 (2023)

  • Broken Pencils and Moving Rulers: After an unpublished book by Mitchell Feigenbaum American Journal of Physics 89, 955-962 (2021)

  • Dimensional Reduction in Complex Living Systems:Where, Why, and How (with Tsvi Tlusty) Bioessays (2021)DOI: 10.1002/bies.202100062

  • Decay of Hamiltonian Breathers Under Dissipation (with C. Eugene Wayne) Commun. Math. Phys. 380, 71–102 (2020).

  • The detection of relativistic corrections in cosmological N-body simulations (with Farbod Hassani) Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy (2020) 132:2

  • Colony entropy-Allocation of goods in ant colonies (with Efrat Greenwald, Ofer Feinerman) Plos Computational Biology August 5, (2019)

  • Colloquium: Proteins: The physics of amorphous evolving matter (with Jacques Rougemont, Tsvi Tlusty) Reviews of Modern Physics, Vol 91, 28pp (2019)

  • Green function of correlated genes and the mechanical evolution of protein (with S. Dutta, A. Libchaber, T. Tlusty) PNAS (2018)

  • Non-Equilibrium Steady States for Networks of Oscillators (with N. Cuneo, M. Hairer, L. Rey-Bellet) Electron. J. Probab. 23 (2018), no. 1, 1–28.

  • Breathers as Metastable States for the Discrete NLS equation (with C.E. Wayne) Discrete and Continous Dynamical Systems 38 , 3227-3239 (2018)

  • Energy Dissipation in Hamiltonian Chains of Rotators (with N. Cuneo and C.E. Wayne) Nonlinearity 30 (2017) R81–R117

  • On the Geometry of Chemical Reaction Networks: Lyapunov Function and Large Deviations (with A. Agazzi and A. Dembo) Journal of Statistical Physics, 172(2), 321-352

  • Large deviations theory for chemical reaction networks (with A. Agazzi and A. Dembo) Annals of Applied Probability Volume 28, Number 3 (2018), 1821-1855.

  • Physical model of the sequence-to-function map of proteins (with T. Tlusty and A. Libchaber) Phys Rev X 7, 021037 (2017)

  • Diffusion fingerprints (with A. Agazzi and J. Dubuisson) preprint (2nd, extended, version of 185).

  • Non-equilibrium steady states for chains of four rotors (with N. Cuneo) Commun. Math. Phys. 345, 185-221 (2016)

  • Non-equilibrium steady state and subgeometric ergodicity for a chain of three coupled rotors (with N. Cuneo and Ch. Poquet) Nonlinearity 28 2397-2421 (2015)

  • Diffusion fingerprints (with J. Dubuisson) preprint

  • The colored Hofstadter butterfly for the honeycomb lattice (with A. Agazzi and G.M. Graf) J. Stat. Phys: 156, 417-426 (2014)

  • The Topology of Semantic Knowledge (with J. Dubuisson, Ch. Scheible, H. Schütze) EEMNLP 2013: Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, October 18-21, 2013, Seattle (accepted as poster)

  • Desert ants achieve reliable recruitment across noisy interactions (with N. Razin and O. Feinerman) J. R. Soc. Interface 2013 10, 20130079

  • Controlling general polynomial networks (with N. Cuneo), Commun. Math. Phys. 328, 1255--1274 (2014)

  • Trees of nuclei and bounds on the number of triangulations of the 3-ball (with P. Collet and M. Younan), Commun. Math. Phys. 325, 259-289 (2014)

  • Noise and Topology in Driven Systems -- an Application to Interface Dynamics (with S. Barnes, Th. Giamarchi, V. Lecomte), Nonlinearity 25 1427-1441 (2012)

  • Decay of Correlations in a Topological Glass (with M. Younan), Philosophical Magazine 92 98-119 (2012)

  • Loops and self-reference in the construction of dictionaries (with D. Levary, E. Moses, and T. Tlusty), Phys. Rev.X2, 031018 (2012) [10 pages]

  • Rattling and freezing in a 1_D transport model(with L.-S. Young), Nonlinearity 24 207-226 (2011)

  • Leaders of neuronal cultures in a quorum percolation model (with E. Moses, O. Stetter, T. Tlusty, and C. Zbinden), Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 4, Article 132, 1-12 (2010)

  • Depinning of domain walls with an internal degree of freedom (with V. Lecomte, S.E. Barnes, and T. Giamarchi) Phys. Rev. B 80 (2009) 054413

  • Remarks on Bootstrap Percolation in Metric Networks(with T. Tlusty) J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 (2009) 205004

  • Superdiffusive Heat Transport in a Class of Deterministic One-Dimensional Many-Particle Lorentz gases(with P. Collet and C. Mejia-Monasterio) J. Stat. Phys. 136 331-347 (2009)

  • Trading codes for errors Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (US) 105, 8165-8166 (2008)

  • A Model of Heat Conduction (with P. Collet) Commun. Math. Phys. 287, 1015-1038 (2009)

  • Ergodicity and Slowing Down in Glass-Forming Systems with Soft Potentials: No Finite-Temperature Singularities (with I. Procaccia) Phys. Rev. E 78 011503 (2008) 10 pages.

  • Leadership in 2D living neural networks (with Sh. Jacobi, Sh. Marom, E. Moses and C. Zbinden). New Journal of Physics 10 (2008) 015011 (19pp).

  • Controllability for chains of dynamical scatterers (with Ph. Jacquet). Nonlinearity 20, 1601-1617 (2007)

  • A toplogical glass J. Stat. Phys. 129 , 289-309 (2007)

  • The physics of living neural networks (with O. Feinermann, L. Gruendlinger, E. Moses, J. Soriano and T. Tlusty). Physics Reports 449, 54-76 (2007)

  • Concepts and Results in Chaotic Dynamics, a short course (with P. Collet). (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics) 225pp, Springer Verlag (2006) Reedited for People's Republic China (2011), Reprinted in Russian, Institute of computer investigations, Moscow, Izhevsk (2012) Errata (Also translated to Russian)

  • Thermal rectification in billiardlike systems (with C. Mejìa-Monasterio). Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 094301 (2006).

  • Hierarchical structures induce long-range dynamical correlations in written texts (with E. Àlvarez-Lacalle, B. Dorow, and E. Moses). Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (US) 103, 7956-7961 (2006).

  • Memory effects in nonequilibrium transport for deterministic Hamiltonian systems (with C. Mejìa-Monasterio and E. Zabey). J. Stat. Phys. 123, 1339-1360 (2006)

  • Dynamics of triangulations (with P. Collet), J. Stat. Phys. 121, 1073-1081 (2005)

  • Nonequilibrium Energy Profiles for a Class of 1-D Models (with L.-S. Young). Commun. Math. Phys. 262, 237-267 (2006).

  • Lyapunov Modes in Hard-Disk Systems (with Ch. Forster, H.A. Posch, E. Zabey), J. Stat. Phys. 118 , 795-811 (2005).

  • Global constraints on local interaction patterns in cellular networks (with A. Vázques, D. Sergi, R. Dobrin, Z.N. Oltvai, A.-L. Barabasi) Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (US) 101, 17940-17945 (2004). Supplement

  • Using Curvature and Markov Clustering in Graphs for Lexical Acquisition and Word Sense Discrimination (with B. Dorow, K. Ling, E. Moses, D. Sergi, D. Widdows). Preprint (2004)

  • Temperature profiles in Hamiltonian heat conduction (with L.-S. Young), Europhys. Lett. 68 790-796 (2004).

  • Non-Vanishing Profiles for the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Equation on the Infinite Line (with G. van Baalen), Nonlinearity 17 1367-1375 (2004).

  • Strange Heat Flux in (An)Harmonic Networks (with E. Zabey), J. Stat. Phys. 114, 515-523 (2004).

  • Entropy of dialogues creates coherent structures in e-mail traffic (with E. Moses and D. Sergi). Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (US), 101, 14333-14337 (2004).

  • Liapunov Multipliers and Decay of Correlations in Dynamical Systems (with P. Collet), J. Stat. Phys. 115, 217-254 (2004).

  • On the fractal dimension of the visible universe (with E. and M. Jarvenpaa and I. Procaccia), In: Simplicity Behind Complexity (Euroattractor 2002), W. Klonowski, ed. (Pabst Science Publishers, Lengerich, 2004).

  • Non-equilibrium steady states. In: Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Beijing, Higher Education Press, Vol. III, 409-418 (2002).

  • Spectral Properties of Hypoelliptic Operators (with M. Hairer). Commun. Math. Phys. 235, 233-253 (2003).

  • The number of large graphs with a positive density of triangles(with P. Collet). J. Stat. Phys, 109, 923-943 (2002).

  • Imitation and contrarian behavior: hyperbolic bubbles, crashes and chaos(with A. Corcos, A. Malaspinas, Y. Malevergne, and D. Sornette). Quantitative Finance 2, 264-281 (2002).

  • Curvature of co-links uncovers hidden thematic layers in the world-wide web (with E. Moses). Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (US), 99, 5825-5829 (2002). Additional material

  • Uniqueness of the invariant measure for a stochastic PDE driven by degenerate noise (with M. Hairer). Commun. Math. Phys. 219, 523-565 (2001).

  • A rigorous upper bound on the propagation speed for the Swift-Hohenberg and related equations (with P. Collet). J. Stat. Phys. 108, 1107-1124 (2002). talk.

  • Nonlinear stability of bifurcating front solutions for the Taylor-Couette problem (with G. Schneider). Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 80, 745-753 (2000).

  • Invariant Measures for Stochastic PDE's in Unbounded Domains (with M. Hairer). Nonlinearity, 14, 133-151 (2001).

  • Non-linear Stability of Modulated Fronts for the Swift-Hohenberg Equation (with G. Schneider). Commun. Math. Phys. 225, 361-397 (2002).

  • Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics of Strongly Anharmonic Chains of Oscillators (with M. Hairer). Commun. Math. Phys., 212, 105-164 (2000).

  • Hydrodynamic Lyapunov modes in translation invariant systems (with O. Gat). J. Stat. Phys., 98, 775-798 (2000).

  • Topological entropy and epsilon-entropy for damped hyperbolic equations (with P. Collet). Ann. Henri Poincaré, 1, 715-752 (2000).

  • Porosities and dimensions of measures satisfying the doubling condition (with E. and M. Jarvenpaa). In: The Chaotic Universe, V.G. Gurzadyan and R. Ruffini, eds., Singapore, World Scientific, 455-466 (2000). talk.

  • Porosities and dimensions of measures (with E. and M. Jarvenpaa). Nonlinearity, 13, 1-18, (2000).

  • Entropy production in non-linear, thermally driven Hamiltonian systems (with C.-A. Pillet and L. Rey-Bellet). J. Stat. Phys., 95 , 305-331 (1999). talk.

  • The definition and measurement of the topological entropy per unit volume in parabolic PDE's (with P. Collet). Nonlinearity, 12 , 451-473 (1999). erratum talk.

  • Non-linear stability analysis of higher order dissipative partial differential equations (with C.E. Wayne) Math. Phys. Elec. J., 4, Paper 3, (1998), 20pp.

  • Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics of anharmonic chains coupled to two heat baths at different temperatures (with C.-A. Pillet and L. Rey-Bellet). Commun. Math. Phys. 201, 657-697 (1999).

  • Extensive properties of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation (with P. Collet). Commun. Math. Phys. 200, 699-722 (1999).

  • Coarsening by Ginzburg-Landau dynamics (with J. Rougemont). Commun. Math. Phys. 199 , 441-470 (1998).

  • Oscillations of observables in 1-dimensional lattice systems (with P. Collet). Math. Phys. Elec. J., 3, Paper 3, (1997), 19pp.

  • Angular projections of fractal sets (with R. Durrer, F. Sylos Labini, M. Montuori, L. Pietronero). Europhys. Lett. 40, 491-496 (1997).

  • Geometric stability analysis for periodic solutions of the Swift-Hohenberg equations (with C.E Wayne and P. Wittwer). Commun. Math. Phys. 190, 173-211 (1997).

  • q-analysis of fractal sets (with A. Erzan). Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 3241-3244 (1997).

  • Zeta functions with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions for exterior domains (with C.-A. Pillet). Helv. Phys. Acta, 70, 44-65 (1997).

  • Chaos on demand (with D. Ruelle). Physics World, 8,25-26 (1995).

  • L'origine du chaos et les limites du contrôle. Médecine et Hygiène, 53, 1670-1671 (1995).

  • A Scenario for the Onset of Space-Time Chaos (with G. Goren and I. Procaccia), Phys. Rev. E57, 4106-4134 (1998).

  • Phase Slips and the Eckhaus Instability (with Th. Gallay and C.E. Wayne), Nonlinearity, 8, 943-961 (1995).

  • Inside-Outside Duality for Planar Billiards - A Numerical Study (with B. Dietz, C.-A. Pillet, U. Smilansky, and I. Ussishkin). Phys. Rev. E51 4222-4231 (1995).

  • Scattering phases and density of states for exterior domains (with C.-A. Pillet). Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré, 62, 383-399 (1995).

  • Spectral Duality for planar billiards (with C.-A. Pillet). Commun. Math. Phys. 170, 283-313 (1995). talk.

  • Self-referred decision rules and Chaos (with A. Corcos and A. Malaspinas). Preprint, (1994).

  • Dual fronts propagating into an unstable state (with F.J. Elmer and G. Hartsleben). Nonlinearity, 7,1261-1276 (1994).

  • Transport properties of the Lorentz gas in terms of periodic orbits (with P. Cvitanović and P. Gaspard). Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 6, 113-120 (1995).

  • The Non-Linear Stability of Front Solutions for Parabolic Partial Differential Equations (with C.E. Wayne). Commun. Math. Phys 161, 323-334 (1994).

  • The onset of spatio-temporal chaos in extended physical systems, in Nonlinear physical Phenomena, Conference Brasilia 1989 (with I. Procaccia). World Scientific, Teaneck NJ, 1991.

  • Multiscaling generated by time dependent classical field theories (with I. Procaccia). Physics Letters A182, 93-98 (1993).

  • Analyticity for the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation (with P. Collet, H. Epstein, J. Stubbe), Physica D67, 321-326 (1993).

  • A Global attracting set for the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation(with P. Collet, H. Epstein, J. Stubbe), Commun. Math. Phys. 152, 203-214 (1993).

  • Front solutions for the Ginzburg-Landau equation(with Th. Gallay), Commun. Math. Phys. 152, 221-248 (1993).

  • Mesures dans un système dynamique chaotique, in Chaos et déterminisme, Points Sciences, Editions du Seuil, Paris (1992).

  • Space-time behaviour in problems of hydrodynamic type: A case study (with P. Collet), Nonlinearity 5, 1265-1302 (1992).

  • Normal forms for parabolic partial differential equations (with H. Epstein and C.E. Wayne), Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré, 58, 287-308 (1993).

  • Solutions without phase-slip for the Ginsburg-Landau equation (with P. Collet), Commun. Math. Phys. 145, 345-356 (1992).

  • Diffusive repair for the Ginzburg-Landau equation (with P. Collet and H. Epstein). Helv. Phys. Acta 65, 56-92 (1992).

  • L'étude du Chaos. Cahiers de la Faculté des Sciences, Université de Genève. 16, 19-24 (1987).

  • La physique du désordre (with M. Mashaal). ``La Recherche'', Mai 1991. Translated (in Catalan) La física del desorden. ``Mundo cientifico'', Julio-Augusto 1991.

  • Nonequilibrium nucleation of topological defects as a determinstic phenomenon (with G. Goren and I. Procaccia). Phys. Rev. A44, R805-R808 (1991).

  • Spatio-temporal chaos (with I. Procaccia). School ``Chaos, Order and Patterns'', Como June 90, Artuso, Cvitanović, Casati Eds., Nato ASI Series, Plenum (1992).

  • Stationary solutions for the Swift-Hohenberg equation in non-uniform backgrounds (with M. Zamora). Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré, 54, 321-330 (1991).

  • Onset of defect mediated turbulence (with I. Procaccia). Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 891-894 (1991).

  • The generation of spatio-temporal chaos in large aspect ratio hydrodynamics (with I. Procaccia). Nonlinearity 4 567-581 (1991).

  • Propagating fronts and the center manifold theorem (with C.E. Wayne). Commun.Math.Phys. 136,285-307 (1991).

  • On the asymptotic shape of diffusion limited aggregates with anisotropy (with P. Meakin, I. Procaccia, R. Zeitak). Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 52-55 (1990).

  • The time-dependent amplitude equation for the Swift-Hohenberg problem (with P. Collet). Commun.Math.Phys. 132,139-153 (1990).

  • Instabilities and Fronts in Extended Systems (with P. Collet). Princeton University Press, 1990.

  • Bounds on the unstable eigenvalue for period doubling (with H. Epstein). Commun. Math. Phys. 128, 427-435 (1990).

  • Fundamental limitations for estimating dimensions and Liapunov exponents in dynamical systems (with D. Ruelle). Physica D56, 185-187 (1992). Reprinted in Coping with Chaos, E. Ott, T. Sauer, J. Yorke eds. New York, Wiley (1994). Reprinted in ``Turbulence, strange attractors, and chaos'', Ed. D. Ruelle, Singapore, World Scientific (1995).

  • The largest Liapunov exponent for random matrices and directed polymers in a random environment (with C.E. Wayne). Commun. Math. Phys. 121, 147-175 (1989).

  • Resonances in Dynamical Systems. In: IXth International Congress on Mathematical Physics, B. Simon, A. Truman, I.M. Davies, eds., 192-207, Bristol and New York, Adam Hilger (1989).

  • Growth and form of noise-reduced diffusion limited aggregation (with P. Meakin, I. Procaccia, and R. Zeitak). Phys. Ref. A 39, 3185-3195 (1989).

  • Resonances for intermittent systems (with V. Baladi and D. Ruelle). Nonlinearity, 2, 119-135 (1989). Reprinted in ``Turbulence, strange attractors, and chaos'', Ed. D. Ruelle, Singapore, World Scientific (1995).

  • Liapunov exponents for infinite chains of nonlinear oscillators (with C.E. Wayne). Jour. Stat. Phys. 50, 853-878 (1988).

  • Lyapunov exponents from stock returns (with S. Oliffson Kamphorst, D. Ruelle and J. Scheinkman). In: The Economy as an Evolving Complex System, SFI Studies in the Science of Complexity, Addison-Wesley, 301-304 (1988).

  • The stability of modulated fronts (with P. Collet). Helv. Phys. Acta, 60, 969-991 (1987).

  • Recurrence plots of dynamical systems (with S. Oliffson Kamphorst and D. Ruelle). Europhys. Lett. 4, 973-977 (1987). Reprinted in ``Turbulence, strange attractors, and chaos'', Ed. D. Ruelle, Singapore, World Scientific (1995).

  • Exploring Chaotic Motion Through Periodic Orbits (with D. Auerbach, P. Cvitanović, G. Gunaratne and I. Procaccia). Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 2387-2389 (1987).

  • A software tool for analysis in function spaces (with A. Malaspinas and S. Oliffson-Kamphorst). In : Computer Aided Proofs in Analysis, K. Meyer and D. Schmidt editors, The IMA Volumes in Mathematics, Vol. 28, 147-166 (1991).

  • A complete proof of the Feigenbaum conjectures (with P. Wittwer). J. Stat. Phys. 46, 455-477 (1987).

  • The mechanism of Feigenbaum Universality. Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Berkeley California 1263-1267 (1986).

  • How do oscillating fronts form? (with P. Collet). Talks by J.-P. Eckmann at Les Houches (1986) and Statphys 16 Boston, Physica 104A, 96-104 (1987).

  • Fixed points of composition operators (with H. Epstein). Talk by H. Epstein at IAMP conference Marseille (1986).

  • On the existence of fixed points of the composition operator for circle maps (with H. Epstein). Commun. Math. Phys. 107, 213-231 (1986).

  • Liapunov Exponents from Time Series (with S. Oliffson-Kamphorst, D. Ruelle, and S. Ciliberto). Phys. Rev. A 34, 4971-4979 (1986). Reprinted in Chaos II, ed. Hao Bai-Lin ed., World Scientific (1990). Reprinted in Coping with Chaos, E. Ott, T. Sauer, J. Yorke eds. New York, Wiley (1994). Reprinted in ``Turbulence, strange attractors, and chaos'', Ed. D. Ruelle, Singapore, World Scientific (1995).

  • Fluctuations of Dynamical Scaling Indices in Non-Linear Systems (with I. Procaccia). Phys. Rev. A , 34, 659-661 (1986).

  • The Existence of Dendritic Fronts (with P. Collet). Commun. Math. Phys. 107 , 39-92 (1986).

  • One-Dimensional Iterative Maps and Intramolecular Rate Processes (with R. Kariotis and H.Suhl). Phys. Rev. Lett. 54, 1106-1109 (1985).

  • Computer Methods and Borel Summability Applied to Feigenbaum's Equation (with P. Wittwer). Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, Vol. 227 (1985).

  • Ergodic Theory of Chaos and Strange Attractors (with D. Ruelle). Rev. Mod. Phys. 57, 617-656 (1985). Reprinted in Chaos II, ed. Hao Bai-Lin ed., World Scientific (1990). Reprinted in Le Chaos, 33ème cours de perfectionnement de l'AVCP, Grimentz (1991), eds. G. Bernasconi, A. Koch, F. Rothen. Reprinted in ``Turbulence, strange attractors, and chaos'', Ed. D. Ruelle, Singapore, World Scientific (1995). Reprinted in ``The Theory of Chaotic Attractors'', Ed. B. Hunt, J. Kennedy, T. Li, H. Nusse, Springer (2004).

  • Multiplicative and Additive Renormalization (with P. Wittwer). In K. Osterwalder and R. Stora, Les Houches, Session XLIII (Elsevier 1986).

  • Hyperbolicity in Position Space Induces Scaling in Parameter Space. Physica Scripta T9,47-49 (1985).

  • Two-Dimensional Poiseuille Flow (with D. Ruelle). Physica Scripta T9 , 153-154 (1985). Reprinted in ``Turbulence, strange attractors, and chaos'', Ed. D. Ruelle, Singapore, World Scientific (1995).

  • Renormalization Group Analysis of Functional Composition : A Review. Physica 124A, 259-268 (1984).

  • Sur un cas limite de l'equation de Cvitanović-Feigenbaum (with P. Wittwer). C.R. Acad. Sc. (Paris),t 299,113-115 (1984).

  • A Spin-Glass Model with Random Couplings (with P. Collet). Commun. Math. Phys. 93, 379-406 (1984).

  • Scaling of Mandelbrot Sets Generated by Critical Point Preperiodicity (with H. Epstein). Commun. Math. Phys. 101, 283-289 (1985).

  • Study of the Iterations of a Mapping Associated to a Spin Glass Model (with P. Collet, V. Glaser and A. Martin) Commun. Math. Phys. 94, 353-370 (1984).

  • A Spin Glass with Random Couplings (with P. Collet, V. Glaser and A. Martin). J. Stat. Phys. 36, 89-106 (1984).

  • Measures Invariant under Mappings of the Unit Interval (with P. Collet), in ``Regular and Chaotic Motions in Dynamic Systems'', G. Velo, A. Wightman (eds.), pp 233-265, New York, 1985, Plenum.

  • Fixed Points of Feigenbaum's Type for the Equation fp(λx) = λf(x) (with H. Epstein and P. Wittwer). Commun. Math. Phys. 93, 495-516 (1984).

  • Computing the Topological Entropy of Maps (with P. Collet and J.P. Crutchfield). Commun. Math. Phys. 88, 258-262 (1983).

  • Savez-vous résoudre z3 = 1? La Recherche No 141, Vol. 14, 260-262 (1983).

  • Renormalization Groups with Periodic and Aperiodic Orbits (with B. Derrida and A. Erzan). J. Phys. A 16, 893-906 (1983).

  • Une nouvelle constante universelle dans les sciences exactes. Jahresbericht 1981. F.N.S.

  • A Computer-Assisted Proof of Universality for Area-Preserving Maps (with H. Koch and P. Wittwer). Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 47, 1-121 (1984).

  • Existence of a Fixed Point of the Doubling Transformation for Area-Preserving Maps of the Plane (with H. Koch and P. Wittwer). Physical Review A26, No 1, 720-722, (1982).

  • Remarks on Stochastic Resonances (with L.E. Thomas). J. Phys. A : Math. Gen. 15, L261-L266 (1982).

  • Routes to Chaos with Special Emphasis on Period Doubling (Notes taken by Robert S. MacKay). Les Houches Session XXXVI ``Comportement chaotique des systemes déterministes'', eds G. Iooss, R.H.G. Helleman and R. Stora, 1983.

  • Positive Liapunov Exponents and Absolute Continuity for Maps of the Interval (with P. Collet). Ergod. Th. and Dynam. Sys. 3, 13-46 (1983).

  • Weak Turbulence in Deterministic Systems. In : Stochastic Nonlinear Systems. L. Arnold, R. Lefever editors, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Springer Verlag, 152-153 (1981).

  • A Note on the Power Spectrum of the Iterates of Feigenbaum's Function (with P. Collet and L. Thomas). Commun. Math. Phys. 81, 261 (1981).

  • Roads to Turbulence in Dissipative Dynamical Systems, Rev. Mod. Phys. 53, 643-654 (1981). Reprinted in ``Universality in Chaos,'' ed. P. Cvitanović, Adam Hilger Ltd, p. 94 (1984). Reprinted in ``Selected Papers on Optical Chaos,'' F.T. Arecchi, R.G. Harrison, eds., SPIE Milestone Series, Bellingham, SPIE Optical Engeneering Press.

  • On the Abundance of Chaotic Behavior in One Dimension (with P. Collet). In : Nonlinear Dynamics. R. Helleman editor, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 357, 337-342 (1980).

  • Intermittency in the Presence of Noise (with L. Thomas and P. Wittwer). J. Phys. A : Math. Gen. 14, 3153-3168 (1981).

  • On the Abundance of Aperiodic Behaviour for Maps on the Unit Interval (with P. Collet). Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 3, No 1 (1980).

  • On Universality for Area-Preserving Maps of the Plane (with P. Collet and H. Koch). Physica 3D 457-467 (1981).

  • Iterated Maps on the Interval as Dynamical Systems (with P. Collet). Progress in Physics, Vol. 1, Birkhäaut;user Boston (1980). Reprinted in Japanese, Yuseisha, Tokyo (1993).

  • Universal Properties of Maps on an Interval (with P. Collet and O.E. Lanford III). Commun. Math. Phys. 76, 211-254 (1980).

  • Period Doubling Bifurcations for Families of Maps on Rn (with P. Collet and H. Koch). J. Stat. Phys. 25, 1-14 (1981). Reprinted in Universality in Chaos, ed. R.F. Streater, Adam Hilger Ltd, p. 353 (1984).

  • Renormalization group analysis of some highly bifurcated families (with P. Collet and O. Lanford). In : Quantum Fields, Algebras, Processes, L. Streit editor, Springer Vienna 1980, 125-134.

  • On the Abundance of Aperiodic Behaviour for Maps on the Interval (with P. Collet). Commun. Math. Phys. 73, 115 (1980).

  • Bifurcations for Maps. In : Bifurcation Phenomena in Mathematical Physics and Related Topics, C. Bardos, D. Bessis editors, Dordrecht, Reidel, 115-136 (1980). Reprinted in Recent Advances in Statistical Mechanics. A. Corciovei editor, Central Inst. of Physics, Bucharest 1980.

  • Bifurcations et groupe de renormalization (with P. Collet). In : Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and their Applications, H. Brezis and J.L. Lions editors, Research Notes in Math. 53, Pitman (1981).

  • Borel Summability of the Mass and the S-Matrix in φ4 Models (with H. Epstein). Commun. Math. Phys. 68, 245-258 (1979).

  • Time-Ordered Products and Schwinger Functions (with H. Epstein). Commun. Math. Phys. 64, 95-130 (1979).

  • A Renormalization Group Analysis of the Hierarchical Model in Statistical Mechanics (with P. Collet). Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, Vol. 74 (1978).

  • A Numerical Test of Borel Summability in the ε-Expansion of the Hierarchical Model (with P. Collet and B. Hirsbrunner). Phys. Lett. 71B, 2, 385-386 (1977).

  • Relativistic Boson Quantum Field Theories in Two Space-Time Dimensions. Quaderni del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Gruppo Nazionale per la Fisica Matematica, Bologna 1977.

  • Quasi-Free Generalized K-Flows (with S. Albeverio and G.G. Emch). Rep. on Math. Phys. 13, 73 (1978).

  • The ε-Expansion for the Hierarchical Model (with P. Collet). Commun. Math. Phys. 55, 67-99 (1977).

  • Remarks on the Classical Limit of Quantum Field Theories. Lett. in Math. Phys. 1, 387-394 (1977).

  • Spectral Properties and Bound State Scattering for the Weakly Coupled λ P(φ)2 Model (with J. Dimock). Annals of Physics 103, 289-314 (1977).

  • On the Bound State in Weakly Coupled λ(φ6 - φ4)2 (with J. Dimock). Commun. Math. Phys. 51, 41-54 (1976).

  • Asymptotic Perturbation Expansion for the S-Matrix and the Definition of Time Ordered Functions in Relativistic Quantum Field Models (with H. Epstein and J. Fröhlich). Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré 25, 1-34 (1976).

  • Time Decay for Fermion System with Persistent Vacuum (with E.B. Davies). Helv. Phys. Acta 48, 731-742 (1976).

  • On the Computation of the Galois Group over the Quotient Field of C [ λ]. Numer. Math. 26, 27-37 (1976).

  • The Maslov-WKB Method for the (an-) Harmonic Oscillator (with R. Séneor). Arch. for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 61, 153-173 (1976).

  • Asymptotic Perturbation Expansion for the S-Matrix in P(φ)2 Quantum Field Theory Model. Acta Physica Austriaca, Suppl. XVI, 59-68 (1976).

  • On the Ionization of Crystals (with L.E. Thomas). Commun. Math. Phys. 41, 175-189 (1975).

  • Decay Properties and Borel Summability for the Schwinger Functions in P(φ ) 2 -Theories (with J. Magnen and R. Séneor). Commun. Math. Phys. 39, 251-271 (1975).

  • Hypercontractivity for Anharmonic Oscillators (with an Appendix by D.B. Pearson). Journ. Funct. Analysis 16, 388-404 (1974).

  • Unitary Equivalence of Local Algebras in the Quasifree Representation (with J. Fröhlich). Ann. Inst. 20, 201-209 (1974).

  • A Solvable Model for the Josephson Effect (an Algorithm for Fermion Systems II) (with M. Guenin). Nuovo Cimento 16B, 93-105 (1973).

  • An Algorithm for Fermion Systems (with M. Guenin). Nuovo Cimento 16B, 85-92 (1973).

  • An Application of Tomita's Theory of Modular Hilbert Algebras : Duality for Free Bose Fields (with K. Osterwalder). J. of Funct. Analysis 13, 1-12 (1973).

  • Representation of the CCR in the (φ4)3 model : Independence of Space Cutoff. Commun. Math. Phys. 25, 1-61 (1972).

  • Note on the paper ``Mathematical Foundations of Electrical Circuit Theory'' by S. Smale. Unpublished.

  • On the Uniqueness of the Hamiltonian and of the Representation of the CCR for the Quartic Boson Interaction in three Dimensions (with K. Osterwalder). Helv. Phys. Acta 44, 884-909 (1971).

  • On the Logarithmic Power of Kernel Integrals. Helv. Phys. Acta 44, 133 (1971).

  • A Model with Persistent Vacuum. Commun. Math. Phys. 18, 247 (1970).

  • Hamiltonians of Persistent Interactions. Ph.D. Thesis, preprint University of Geneva (1970).

  • A Theorem on Kernels of Superrenormalizable Theories. Preprint University of Geneva (1969).

  • Impossibility of Quantum Mechanics in a Hilbert Space over a Finite Field (with Ph. Ch. Zabey). Helv. Phys. Acta 42, 420 (1969).

  • Méthodes algebriques en mécanique statistique (with M. Guenin). Springer Lectures Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 81 (1969).

  • Die Berechnung von Sonnenuhren - ein Beispiel zum konsequenten Programmieren (with K. Knop). Elektronische datenverarbeitung Heft 6, 280 (1968).

  • Gedanken zur rekursiven Programmierung von PERT-Problemen. Elektronische datenverarbeitung Heft 4, 195 (1968)

  • Renormierung der Yukawa-Theorie. Master Thesis ETH, under the guidance of Prof. K. Hepp, unpublished (1967).

    Misc. Publications

    1. Lyapunov Exponents. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol 1486, (1991), Editors: L. Arnold, H. Crauel, J.-P. Eckmann. Springer Verlag, Berlin etc.

    2. Theoretical Particle Physics at the Beginning of the Nineties. Editors: R. Casalbuoni, J.-P. Eckmann, O. Piguet. Helv. Phys. Acta, 64, 761-889 (1991).

    3. Méthodes d'analyse globale en hydrodynamique by D. Ruelle (Lecture Notes Troisième Cycle). Reprinted in ``Turbulence, strange attractors, and chaos'', Ed. D. Ruelle, Singapore, World Scientific (1995).

    4. Outreach: Can Physics Cross Boundaries?, Communications de la SSP 39, 2013, pp. 11-12

    5. Oscar E. Lanford III (Jan 6, 1940-Nov 16, 2013) with D. Ruelle, J. Stat.Phys 155 419-420 (2014)

    6. Obituary for SPS Member Markus Büttiker (with A. Morpurgo). SPG Mitteilungen, Nr.42, 2013

    7. A Fields Medal for Martin Hairer (with J. Quastel) IAMP Bulletin, Jan. 2015

    8. Martin Hairer got the Fields Medal for his study of the KPZ equation. SPG Mitteilungen, Nr.~45, 2015

    General talks

    1. Edinburgh, summer 2000: Hydrodynamic equations in infinite domains: What have we learned?