Homepage of Antonio Riotto
Professeur Ordinaire
Directeur du DPT
24 quai Ernest Ansermet
CH-1211 Genève
Tel.: +41 22 379 6310
Fax : +41 22 379 6870
Secretariat: +41 22 379 6312 (6313)
Email: antonio.riotto_at_unige.ch
Present research interests:
- Inflation and the cosmological perturbations (at linear and non-linear order)
- CMB anisotropy (mainly non-Gaussianity)
- Large Scale Structure (mainly halo mass function, matter power spectrum, bias, non-Gaussianity)
- Dark Matter (mainly indirect detection and at LHC)
- Baryon asymmetry of the Universe (electroweak baryogenesis and leptogenesis)
Publication list:
The full list of publications can be found at the
inSPIRE database
and at the Google Scholar Citations database.
Research group:
Applications are accepted for Ph.D. programs. If interested, send an email
with CV, list of Master grades and a recommendation letter.
Former members:
- Valerio De Luca (Ph.D. Student, currently Post-Doc at Penn
University, USA)
- Gabriele Franciolini (Ph.D. Student, currently Post-Doc at the
University Roma la Sapienza, Italy)
- Thomas Jacques (Post-doc, currently Post-doc at SISSA in
Trieste, Italy)
- Jorge Norena (Post-doc, currently Faculty at Valparaiso
University, Chile)
- Azadeh Moradinezhad Dizgah (Post-doc, left for a
at Harvard, USA, now back to our group)
- Hideki Perrier (Ph.D. Student)
- Enrico Morgante (Ph.D.
student, currently Post-doc at Mainz, Germany)
- Davido Racco (Ph.D. Student, currently Post-Doc at Stanford
University, USA)
Academic year 2011-2012, spring semester:
Relativité Générale.
Le cours est donné en anglais.
Academic years 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2017-2018, 2018-2019, and 2019-2020:
Labo IV Théorique.
Academic years 2012-2013 and 2013-2014, spring semester:
Le cours est donné en anglais.
Academic years 2014-215, 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019,
2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, and 2022-2023, annual
Méthods Mathématiques pour physiciens II.
Academic years 2016-2017, 2017-2018, and 2021-2022 Ph.D. course, spring
The Standard Model of weak interactions.
The program of the courses and their timetable can be found at the
Student's Guide.
Lecture notes, solutions to the exercises and agendas can be found
at the
Chamilo server.
The list of seminars of the Geneva Cosmology Theory Group and in the
local area can be found