Jeudi 19 novembre 2015 à 10h15
Salle 234, Ecole de Physique

Non-equilibrium physics in a quenched Luttinger model

Per Moosavi, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

The Luttinger model describes a system of interacting spinless fermions in 1+1 dimensions. I will present exact analytical results for the evolution of the Luttinger model, with short range non-local interaction, following a quench from a ground state with a domain wall density profile. The evolution after the quench is ballistic but dispersive, and, asymptotically in time, the system is shown to approach a steady state whose two-point correlation function has exponents which differ from those in equilibrium. This final state carries a current and has an effective chemical potential difference between right- and left-moving fermions obtained from the two-point correlation function. Both depend on the microscopic details of the model, but the conductance for the final state is shown to be universal. This work is in collaboration with E. Langmann, J. L. Lebowitz, and V. Mastropietro.